
Becky Bursell is a business leader and entrepreneur responsible for over $1 billion in sales during the last decade. She has built and managed teams of over 500,000 representatives in 60 countries, earning over $20 million. Becky has lifted people all over the world with her incredible ability to motivate, inspire and help others achieve a better life for themselves and their families. 

Becky is most passionate about helping others become the Greatest Version of Themselves. Becky teaches that the Greatest Version of You isn’t about achieving perfection. The Greatest Version of You isn’t becoming the skinniest version of you or the wealthiest version of you—because those things doesn’t bring true, lasting happiness. Instead, the Greatest Version of You is the pursuit of true joy. It’s being authentic with who you are, your relationships and your hopes and dreams. Being the Greatest Version of You is focusing on your unique strengths to bring greatness to those around you. Becky teaches how to identify what brings you true joy, how to pursue you dreams and how to become the Greatest Version of You!


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